Yahei-PHP | PHP | Module | Other | Database | Performance | Speed | MySQL | Function | Download |
Server Parameters | |||
Server Domain/IP | www - _( Your IP address is: | ||
Server identifies the | Linux einmay.com 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 16 17:03:50 UTC 2016 x86_64 | ||
Server OS | Linux Kernel version: 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64 | Web Server | nginx/1.10.1 |
Server Language | Server Port | 80 | |
Server HostName | einmay.com | Absolute Path | /data/wwwroot/default |
Administrator Mail | Prober Path | /data/wwwroot/default/proberv.php |
Real-time Data Server | |||||
Current Server Time | 2024-12-01 09:09:59 | Server Uptime | 1451Day12Hour50Minute | ||
CPU Model [1Core] | Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L 0 @ 2.30GHz | Frequency:2299.998 | Secondary cache:4096 KB | Bogomips:4599.99 | ||||
CPU usage | 8.91%us, 0%sy, 0%ni, 91.09%id, 0%wa, 0%irq, 0%softirq | View Chart | ||||
Space usage | Total Space 24.482 G, Used 10.889 G, Free 13.593 G, Rate 44.48% | ||||
Memory usage | Total Memory: 993.07 M , Used 919.22 M , Free 73.85 M , Rate 92.56 Cache Memory 205.75 M , Rate 20.72 % | Buffers 88.68 M Real Memory Used 624.79 M , Real Memory Free 368.28 M , Rate 62.92 % SWAP: 1024 M , Used 966.22 M , Free 57.78 M , Rate 94.36 % | ||||
Average System Load | 0.12 0.07 0.06 2/138 |
NetWork | ||||
eth0 : | In : 48 G 246 M 789 K 216 B | Real time: 0B/s | Out : 154 G 56 M 521 K 372 B | Real time: 0B/s |
lo : | In : 28 M 374 K 858 B | Real time: 0B/s | Out : 28 M 374 K 858 B | Real time: 0B/s |
PHP has been compiled module testing | |||
Core date ereg libxml openssl pcre sqlite3 zlib bcmath ctype curl dom hash filter ftp gd gettext SPL iconv intl json mbstring mcrypt session standard mysqlnd pcntl mysqli PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar posix Reflection mysql shmop SimpleXML soap sockets exif sysvsem tokenizer xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter xsl zip cgi-fcgi imagick memcache memcached redis mhash Zend OPcache |
PHP Parameters | |||
PHP Info: | PHPINFO | PHP Version: | 5.6.22 |
Run PHP: | FPM-FCGI | Memory Limit: | 64M |
PHP Safe Mode: | × | Post Max Size: | 100M |
Upload Max Filesize: | 50M | Floating-point data of significant digits: | 14 |
Max Execution Time: | 5Second | Socket TimeOut: | 60Second |
PHP Doc Root: | × | User Dir: | × |
Enable Dl: | × | Include Path: | × |
Display Errors: | × | Register Globals: | × |
Magic Quotes Gpc: | × | "<?...?>"Short Open Tag: | √ |
"<% %>"ASP Tags: | × | Ignore Repeated Errors: | × |
Ignore Repeated Source: | × | Report Memleaks: | √ |
Magic Quotes Gpc: | × | Magic Quotes Runtime: | × |
Allow URL Fopen: | √ | Register Argc Argv: | × |
Cookie: | √ | Spell check(ASpell Library): | × |
High-precision math(BCMath): | √ | PREL(PCRE): | √ |
PDF: | × | SNMP: | × |
VMailMgr: | × | Curl: | √ |
SMTP: | √ | SMTP: | localhost |
Enable Functions: | Click here to view more! | ||
Disable Functions: |
passthru exec system chroot chgrp chown shell_exec proc_open proc_get_status ini_alter ini_restore dl openlog syslog readlink symlink popepassthru stream_socket_server fsocket popen |
Components | |||
FTP: | √ | XML: | √ |
Session: | √ | Socket: | √ |
Calendar | × | Allow Url Fopen: | √ |
GD Library: | bundled (2.1.0 compatible) | Zlib: | √ |
IMAP: | × | JDToGregorian: | × |
Preg Match: | √ | WDDX: | × |
Iconv: | √ | mbstring: | √ |
BCADD: | √ | LDAP: | × |
MCrypt: | √ | Mhash Count: | √ |
Other Components | |||
Zend Version | 2.6.0 | ZendGuardLoader[On] | × |
eAccelerator | × | ioncube | × |
XCache | × | APC | × |
Database | |||
MySQL: | √ | ODBC: | × |
Oracle: | × | SQL Server: | × |
dBASE: | × | mSQL: | × |
SQLite: | √ SQLite3 Ver | Hyperwave: | × |
Postgre SQL: | × | Informix: | × |
DBA database: | × | DBM database: | × |
FilePro database: | × | SyBase database: | × |
Yahei-PHP Proberv0.4.7 | Processed in 1.0021 seconds. 0.31MB memory usage. | TOP |